Being a member means that you can submit your stories to our website, have your name and picture featured on our website (which is optional), and you can be part of Vitiligo Kids! We would love for you to join us. In order to be a member, you must either have vitiligo, know someone with vitiligo or have an interest in learning about the condition. You must also be 18 or under.
Email us at to get involved!
Joining our cause means that you want to spread awareness and educate others. You can do this by promoting our website to friends and family, and if you know someone who has vitiligo, please ask them to consider joining our organization. If you have social media, please promote our Instagram account and give us a follow. We would really appreciate that. You are a big part of our organization, and you will be the reason why we continue. Thank you for all you do.
Educating yourself means that you know about vitiligo and that you are aware of its effects. This is how everyone learns to understand the condition, and accept those who have it. If you could, educate those around you who may not be familiar. You are also a big part in changing the world to be more accepting and open to those with this condition. Please click the button below to learn more about vitiligo.